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My Swollen Joint Could Move Again

Two weeks ago I hurt my right knee by hitting on a metal part. Boy—it was painful! Although there was only a small but my knee got so swollen and stiff that I couldn’t walk without suffering so much pain. I have been use ice packs to cool the inflammation but did see much improvement.

My wife’s friend brought a jar of WINVIVO Wound Ointment, smeared a thick layer of the pink paste on my knee, and then bandaged it with a piece of gauze and paper tape. I watched her doing it with amusement and some skepticism, and enjoyed being “pampered.”

I kept the bandage on for 2 days, and to my surprise most of the swelling was gone and I could move my leg without much pain. I couldn’t believe it worked so fast!

—Robert B.

WINVIVO Wound Ointment: 
Multi-Functional Botanical Therapy

Clinical Studies

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds

Clinical Case Reports


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