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Prevented Allergic Reaction to Nickel in Earrings

One of the milestones in my adolescent years was being mature enough to get my ears pierced and I looked forward to wearing fashionable baubles dangling from my ears but unfortunately after getting my ears pierced I developed an allergic reaction to the metal in all costume jewelry earrings. This is a common development for many after getting their ears pierced and I had heard there were things you could do like put a coat of clear nail polish on the stem, but nothing helped. It was painful to wear costume jewelry earrings. My ears would be red, swollen, and throbbing a few hours after attempting to wear them.

I went years without wearing costume jewelry until a few weeks ago I used the WINVIVO Ointment on the stem of my earrings and oh, my goodness, not a problem! AMAZING WinVivo! Your product should be sold in every costume jewelry and jewelry retail store so others with this condition can enjoy jewelry again. Thank you! Thank you!

—Rebecca T.

WINVIVO Wound Ointment: 
Multi-Functional Botanical Therapy

Clinical Studies

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds

Clinical Case Reports


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