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Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcer

“Gracias en un año por infeccion diabética es lo único que me a dado resultado para que mi herida cierre siga investigando tengo 26años de diabético y el que una herida cierre no es fácil se los agradezco de todo corazón cada triunfo una satisfacción sigan investigando.”

[English translation: “Thank you! For the whole year this is the only thing I have gotten results from for my diabetic infected wound to heal. Keep investigating. I am a 26 year-old diabetic and for my wound to heal is not easy. I would be grateful with all my heart for each triumph. Keep investigating.”]

— Marco C.

WINVIVO Wound Ointment: 
Multi-Functional Botanical Therapy

Clinical Studies

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds

Clinical Case Reports


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