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Wonder Ointment for Healing Skin Ulcers in Rural Areas

We were on a 10-day medical mission in rural areas of Nigeria. There were a lot of wounds there that were very large and they had been around for a long time. We had one patient with a very large wound that we treated with the WINVIVO Wound Ointment. We came back in a week to check on him, and there was a noticeable improvement. The balm definitely worked. We visited 11 villages and used the WINVIVO Wound Ointment for a variety of sores – boils, all kinds of sores that I have never seen before, and WINVIVO was there for all of them –it was amazing! It is such a multipurpose wound care ointment.

— Barbara M., RN

WINVIVO Wound Ointment: 
Multi-Functional Botanical Therapy

Clinical Studies

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds

Clinical Case Reports


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