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My Baby's Canker Sore Healed

My 4 year-old son had fever and he wasn’t eating anything. He complained his mouth was hurting. After looking inside his mouth I found a big sore.

I had heard through a friend that the WINVIVO Wound Ointment could be used inside the mouth as well, so I decided to try on my son. I applied the WINVIVO Wound Ointment inside his mouth after drying the surface with a clean cotton ball right before his bedtime. Next day, his sore was much smaller and he was able to eat again. Two days later, the sore was gone! The WINVIVO Wound Ointment worked very well for us!

—Ebe T.

WINVIVO Wound Ointment: 
Multi-Functional Botanical Therapy

Clinical Studies

  • Difficult-to-Heal Wounds

Clinical Case Reports


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